Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria (ANRiN) Kano State

Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria (ANRiN) Kano State

About The Project

This project, funded by the World Bank from May 11, 2021, to 2024, is executed by a consortium of C-WINS, PPFN and JIBWIS, aimed at improving nutrition across 17 LGAs in Kano.

The objective was on improving maternal and caregiver knowledge about infant feeding and increasing access to key nutrition services like micronutrient powders and iron-folic acid tablets.

The project utilised a community-based approach incorporating counselling services and leverage data and insights for decision-making for resource allocation. The were, however, some challenges with general logistic and operations, which emphasise the need for flexibility and adaptability in project implementation.

Provided counselling, demonstrations, and nutritional products and services and signposted children in need to appropriate services. The programme impacted children, women, and households in 193 wards in 17 LGAs in Kano State.

The lesson from the project is that the likelihood of projects succeeding is enhanced when it is based on the assessed needs of the communities, the communities are engaged and involved in the workplans and implementation. The project also reinformed the pivotal role of education in changing health behaviours, and the impact of comprehensive nutrition services. 

The experience from this project is invaluable to us as it has improved and shaped our understanding of the needs of many communities that we encountered on the project and will inform future programming in this and similar contexts.

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