Who We Are
We believe that everyone should have access to safe food and adequate nutrition all through their life’s transitions.We recognise that wellbeing and nutrition continue to be challenged by many demand and supply side issues, not the least, local practices and behaviours, access to the right information on nutrition, the supplies and affordability of the food and nutrition that children and households need, and other wider social and economic barriers.
This is why our approach combines policy advocacy, community engagement, high-impact programming that is culturally appropriate, enabled by technology and informed by local data and insights to attack these challenges and barriers, wherever they exist.
We understand that to build resilient and stable food systems, to improve access to nutrition for all, requires a multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral and multilevel approach. By focusing on building strong partnerships, capacity, and nutrition systems, we are helping to make the connection between nutrition and wellbeing, agriculture and food supplies, health care and health outcomes, education and information communication, water supply, sanitation and hygiene, strong local economies, reduction in inequalities, the empowerment of women and girls, and environmental sustainability – all of which important to the Sustainable Development Goals.
We are working with partners and in communities to attack and provide answers to the following overarching questions:
- Why are too many Nigeria still unable to access the safe food and nutrition that they need to thrive and contribute to their communities and what can C-WINS do about it?
- What can C-WINS do about malnutrition in Nigeria and the high burden associated with it?
- How can C-WINS work collaboratively, through advocacy and programmatic actions that link politics, policy, and practice to improve population health in Nigeria?

C-WINS Approach
C-WINS core beliefs
We rely on data and insights. We consider the communities we serve as our most important partners who have a contribution as programme makers and not just recipients and programme takers. We work with other stakeholders and partners to tackle the root causes and utilise the best evidence to inform the design, development, and delivery of solutions.