Equal Opportunity , Diversity & Disability

Equal Opportunity , Diversity & Disability

We are committed to equal opportunity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. Our Policy seeks to address issues relating to stigma, discrimination, and unfair treatment of people with some disadvantages. This mistreatment often results in limiting the fundamental rights of disadvantaged people. We are committed to treating every individual and organisation fairly, equally, and equitably always.
We define disability as:

Equal opportunity:

We will not discriminate against anybody based on their gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion, disability, age or on any other grounds that is deemed unjustifiable. Our policy reflects the provisions of various laws, understandings, and agreements in Nigeria.

Workplace Diversity:

We are committed to providing equal opportunities to anybody who may have the relevant knowledge, skills, experiences, behaviour, and attitude necessary to support the development and growth of our work and in the communities we serve. We strive to provide a workplace that is conducive to everyone.

Complaints and grievance:

All members of staff of our organisation will be treated equally. When there are complaints and grievances, we will observe the rules of privacy, confidentiality, anonymity, and fair hearing as required by the laws in Nigeria and in our country of operation.

Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Disability Procedure Drivers

All members of the Board of Trustees, and members of staff and management are required to observe our policy on equal opportunity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. We provide training at induction on equal opportunity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility and regular updates which considers equal opportunity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility as an important part of our staff appraisals and continuous professional development. Members of our BOT, management and staff are required to observe the following:

Procedure – 1 (background)

Procedure – 2 (our publics)

Procedure – 3 (the law)

Procedure – 4 (employing and employee)

Procedure – 5 (rights, respect, and dignity)

To be updated: February 2028

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